Check this out!!

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Sorry guys, no new pictures. But as I was reading one of my many blogs today I stumbled on this blog. It's a professional photographer that takes family photos underneath the water. They are pretty amazing and worth checking out even if you are not into photography. Here is the link

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend..........Till later!

These are not the best, but......................

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I have been trying to practice on "indoor" photos. Brena Loves this chicken elmo & so I tried to capture some moments of her playing with him. He sings the chicken dance & flaps his wings. It is very cute actually. These are not the best & there were more blury ones then I would like to admit. But at least you can get the feel of childhood in them & that is why I love them!!!

This is a little blury but I love it anyways!

It is WINTER..............................

Friday, January 4, 2008

So I know it has been a long time since my last post. With the holidays & everything going on I didn't have anything exciting to post. I hope everyone had a blessed Christmas & New Year. WE have had a lot of adjustments as most of you know & even through the ruff times we are truly blessed with wonderful family & friends to help us throught. Thank you to all and may God bless you!

Here are a few shots of the kids. I took them outside for a little winter fun. I think they turned out pretty nice!